
最近听什么都像在讲超蝙😂 (已疯魔)

蝙:When the sunlight sets,当太阳落山,
We won't go to beds,我们夜不能寐,
Till the night is ours,直到这夜晚属于你我,

超:Take you far away,带你远走高飞,
To a foreign place,去陌生的地方,
If you wanna go,如果你现在就想出发,

超,蝙(合):Slow it down watch my step,放慢速度紧跟我的步伐,
We were drowned soaking wet,我们被水淹没浑身湿透,
Knock it out in our head,昏昏沉沉神志不清,
We don't need the shore,我们不需要支撑物,

蝙:No light inside, we'll be alright,没有光亮也会安然无恙,
Just take me by the hand,只要紧握我的双手,

超:Flying high,开心得忘乎所以,
Over the water with you,和你在水中嬉戏,

超,蝙(合):I'll come along,我会和你一起,
Wherever you want me too,去我们都想去的地方,

蝙:Can't get enough,无法满足,
We'll reaching the sky soon,我们即将触碰到天际,
超:All through the night,彻夜难眠,
As long as I'm here with you,只要和你在一起,
Flying high, with you,与你一起翱翔于天际,


蝙:Sweet salt on my tongue,舌尖甜咸参半,
We become undone,我们彻底放松,
On the ocean bed,平躺在海面上,
超:You don't have to wait,不必再等待,
Is our turn to play,是时候尽情玩耍,
If you wanna go,如果你现在就想出发,

蝙:No light inside, we'll be alright,没有光亮也会安然无恙,
超:Just take me by the hand,只要紧握我的双手,
蝙:Flying high,开心得忘乎所以,
超:Over the water with you,和你在水中嬉戏,
合:I'll come along,我会和你一起,
Wherever you want me too,去我们都想去的地方,

超:Can't get enough,无法满足,
蝙:We'll reaching the sky soon,我们即将触碰到天际,
超:All through the night,彻夜难眠,
蝙:As long as I'm here with you,只要和你在一起,
合:Flying high, with you,与你一起翱翔于天际,
Flying high, with you,与你一起翱翔于天际,
Flying high, with you,与你一起翱翔于天际。

分享Jewelz & Sparks的单曲《Flying High》: https://t.cn/R6p4cSO (来自@网易云音乐)

这活脱脱就是一篇文呀~(已脑补完😂 )可惜写不出这感觉好气(눈‸눈)

